IBU holds decisions on Meldonium cases

The International Biathlon Union has decided to hold all decisions on cases involving Meldonium.


IBU provisionally suspended Ms. Olga Abramova, UKR and Mr. Artem Tyshchenko UKR in February 2016; IBU-collected urine samples for both athletes detected the presence of Meldonium. The substance was added to the WADA prohibited list in January, 2016; it belongs to group S4: Hormone and Metabolic Modulators. At the hearing, held March, 30 2016 the matter of how long it may take for Meldonium to be excreted from the body was essential, as the results of a pilot study conducted by the expert called by the Panel contradicted the present state of literature on Meldonium. Therefore, IBU and both athletes, by common agreement, requested, first, to suspend the proceedings until a study which was called a WADA-study will be available and second, that the parties will be given the opportunity to comment on the results of the study. According to the information available at the hearing the results of the study are expected for no later than September 2016. The Anti-Doping Hearing Panel rendered the following order on both athletes. 1. The proceedings are suspended until the results of the scientific studies already initiated by WADA-accredited laboratories on the long-term pharmacokinetics of Meldonium (Mildronate) of healthy humans are available. 2. The parties will be granted 20 days from the communication of the studies, simultaneously to comment on the results and to complement their requests for relief. Because the time-limit for the Athlete to submit a statement in defense has elapsed on March 21, 2016 no further factual evidence is permitted. 3. The Panel will decide whether a hearing is deemed appropriate. 4. The Athlete remains suspended as required by Article 7.11.1 IBU ADR 2014. 5. The Panel reserves the right to issue a new order if appropriate. The IBU will keep the public informed on further outcome of both cases on biathlonworld.com.

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