LGD-4033 in Anti-Doping: Cases, Uses & Classification

Learn more about LGD-4033: a controversial substance in sports, with medical potential, doping cases, and athlete implications.

What is LGD-4033?

LGD-4033, also known as Ligandrol, VK5211, or Anabolicum, is a selective androgen receptor modulator (SARM) investigated for muscle wasting treatment in aging but not yet approved for clinical use in humans.

Where was LGD-4033 developed?

LGD-4033 was initially developed by Ligand Pharmaceuticals in the United States and patented in 2009. Currently, its drug rights are held by Viking Therapeutics.

What is the role of LGD-4033 in medicine?

LGD-4033 is being researched as a potential treatment for muscle wasting conditions like aging, osteoporosis, muscular dystrophy, and cancer.

What is the status of LGD-4033 in anti-doping regulations?

LGD-4033 is prohibited under class S1.2 (Other Anabolic Agents) on the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) Prohibited List, making its use illegal for all athletes in and out-of-competition.

Can anti-doping tests detect the use of LGD-4033?

Yes, anti-doping tests can detect LGD-4033 in athletes' urine samples for up to 21 days after use.

How many doping cases involving LGD-4033 have been registered?

The Anti-Doping Database has registered 60 doping cases involving LGD-4033.

Which sports have seen doping cases involving LGD-4033?

Doping cases involving LGD-4033 have been reported in sports such as track and field (12 cases), weightlifting (8 cases), and powerlifting (6 cases).

What are the sanctions for LGD-4033 doping violations?

Sanctions for LGD-4033 doping violations include 2 years suspension (5 cases), 3 years suspension (8 cases), and 4 years suspension (26 cases).

How does LGD-4033 function as a performance-enhancing substance?

LGD-4033 increases lean muscle mass, leading some athletes to abuse it for its anabolic, muscle-building effects.

Why do athletes use LGD-4033?

Athletes use LGD-4033 to gain a competitive advantage by increasing muscle mass and strength, potentially enhancing their performance.

Are inadvertent or nonconscious uses of LGD-4033 common in doping cases?

Some doping cases related to LGD-4033 may be attributed to inadvertent use, as some dietary supplements have been found to be contaminated with the substance.

How has research supported the investigation of cases related to LGD-4033?

Research on the metabolism and excretion patterns of LGD-4033 has helped in differentiating inadvertent doping from deliberate abuse in anti-doping result management.

Any known athletes who have tested positive for LGD-4033?

  • Shayna Jack, Australia (Swimming, 2 years suspension)
  • Ben Shaw, Ireland (Triathlon, 4 years suspension)
  • Liam Moseley, Australia (Rugby, 3 years suspension)


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