News on doping in sport around the world

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Malek Noor Calls For Doping Test During Training - BERNAMA


Malek Noor Calls For Doping Test During Training - BERNAMA

20/09/2024 03:31 PM. KUALA LUMPUR, Sept 20 (Bernama) -- National bodybuilding legend, Datuk Abdul Malek Mohamed Noor urged that doping tests on ...

Malek Noor calls for doping test during training

Malek Noor calls for doping test during training

NATIONAL bodybuilding legend, Datuk Abdul Malek Mohamed Noor urged that doping tests on athletes are not only conducted on competition days. On the ot...

WADA publishes 2023 Pan Am Games observer report - InsideTheGames


WADA publishes 2023 Pan Am Games observer report - InsideTheGames

The World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) has released its Independent Observer (IO) team report on the anti-doping program for the 2023 Pan American ...

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